
Eina! Pinkie

Eina! Pinkie

Once again I am reduced to tears by Little Monkey on our walk. I’m sorry – but the photo just does not do justice to how sore my finger is!!

A few weeks ago, Little Monkey nearly detached my left pinkie, when out of the blue she decided to lunge at a motor bike passing our house at the start of our walk. She has never reacted to any bikes before, in the 7 years I’ve had her, so I was totally unprepared. Instinctively, I tried to restrain her – when she darted into the road after the bike, and my poor little finger on my left hand paid the price. It was  purple and swollen for days. It had still not returned to normal when the Idiot damaged it again today.

Firstly, it is winter here, and a massive storm (stretching from Cape Town to Johannesburg – 1400km)  is passing over the country, bringing cold temperatures, heavy rains, and gale force winds in its wake. Still, I walk my dogs.

Whilst getting ready at the front door, Little Monkey does her usual leaping in the air, all four feet off the ground. She is more rambunctious than usual – and Eina! my poor pinkie pays the ultimate price. Eish – it is sore neh?

Well, a few expletives later and I am on the walk with the Idiot and Mr Spaghetti Legs (what did you get yourself into, my boy, when you came to us??) Just round the corner of the block, Little Monkey takes that huge intake of breath – you know – when you hear that blood curdling “ghghghghgghgg” before she lets go with a whooo-ooo-ooo wuff wuff wuff! And lunges at a gate. Again with the pinkie!! This hurt so much I did actually shed a few tears!

What was going on? Well, there, behind the railings, where usually there is nothing – was a dog! What was it doing? Absolutely Nothing! It just normally wasn’t there. Little Monkey was isolated and unsocialised for the first 18 months of her life – until I adopted her. This is what she does. This is what she will always do.

So yeah, I shed a few tears, as I controlled Little Monkey, reeled her back in, calmed her. My finger really hurts. I will tape it to the next finger – again – for a few days.

In the meantime, there is always wine!!!!! Cheers 😉

post script: What does Eina mean? It is Afrikaans for “ouch” – but actually conveys a lot more meaning!

4 thoughts on “EINA!!!!

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you for your comment – Ouch! on my Eina post 🙂 I found it in my spam just now! – which is why I did not reply before. I have marked it as Not Spam – but will obviously have to check my spam content now and then. These things I did not know – still a newbie 🙂 Oh, and my pinkie is now a lovely black colour, but functions fine. (And I still love the Idiot of course, regardless.)


  1. A.PROMPTreply

    Ugh…..that looks “Ruff!” (sorry for bad dog pun there…) Do hope your pinky is okay! I feel same way about our little dog…..no way in the world to ever predict what he will do next, but luckily, mine is only about 10 pounds, so he doesn’t do much damage when he changes things up on me without notice!


    1. scifihammy Post author

      I love puns! Unpredictable – that’s it! And the Idiot weighs 23.5 kg (erm – quick google – 52 pounds!) Pinkie is progressing, thanks. Now a lovely purple/black colour! :p


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