The Triumphant Adventures of Sparky the Squirrel: Part Three

Sparky Triumphant

Sparky Triumphant

This adventure happened a while back when I had three dogs; Madam, TJ and Little Monkey. My daughters and I were out in the back garden, when suddenly there was a commotion at the corner of the house. The three dogs were excitedly going for something on the grass there.

When we got to them we found they had pinned down a little grey squirrel against the wall. The poor thing was small and thin, with long arms and legs in comparison to its body size, and a sparse tail. It was a teenager, that had foolishly wandered down from the safety of the trees, to the domain of the wolves!

I pulled the nearest dog off and handed it to a daughter, then grabbed the next dog. The dogs were so excited, that they kept getting away from my girls’ grasp and launching back into the attack again.

Throughout all this, little Sparky kept fighting for his life. He was on his back,Β shrieking loudly and striking out at the wolves with his tiny paws. (Sparky strikes back!) But it was enough to keep the wolves mostly at bay, and prevent them from grabbing him in their teeth.

Eventually we managed to get all the dogs under control and frog-march them to the house and shut them in. None of us was bitten by our dogs, nor ever expected to be; it was just instinct on their part to attack prey.

Poor Sparky was a bit soggy round the middle from a few dog mouths, and obviously very shaken, but he had survived to fight another day. He scampered to the corner by the stoep and just froze there.

We put a shelter round him, and gave him water and raw nuts and just left him alone to recover. The next time we checked, he had gone. Hopefully a little wiser for the encounter!

Sparky is invincible!


22 thoughts on “The Triumphant Adventures of Sparky the Squirrel: Part Three

  1. Marije Bijlsma

    I am happy the squirrel survived! Here we have the occasional lizard or bird that enters the house, my dogs donΒ΄t kill but they do play with their prey and can cause injury to the poor little things so I always try to rescue what I can πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      It is always tricky balancing a dog’s natural predator behaviour. As you say, they can harm an animal unintentionally. We have some pretty large lizards/geckos here, but they stay outside, and managed to dart to safety when a dog approaches!.:)


  2. Midwestern Plant Girl

    You go Sparkey!
    My last dog, Heart, was an Akita. She had a hunting streak in her. During her life, she had had 9 encounters with opossums, one raccoon and one very smelly skunk, which of course was the worst, as I also smelled for a week.
    Border Collies don’t have the kill drive, thank gosh. Yes, they will chase, but when they get it, they don’t know what to do with it. Luckily, they’ve never actually caught anything yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Gosh! Opossums, raccoons and skunks! Sounds exciting (and smelly!) Squirrels, cats and birds are luckily all my dogs can hope for here; but mostly the prey animals are way too clever for them! πŸ™‚


      1. scifihammy Post author

        I think when you are fighting for your life, all your fear turns to adrenalin! And I don’t think my dogs were really trying to kill it. Still, the life force was certainly strong in that little Sparky πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

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