I Give You My Heart

Sparky Offers his Heart

Sparky Offers his Heart

Haiku 4

Cute little Sparky

Nibbles a loquat with love

And offers his heart!


post script:  photo was taken through a window pane with my little point and click camera on maximum zoom, hence the milky blurry appearance!

35 thoughts on “I Give You My Heart

    1. scifihammy Post author

      I think you have a good chance of seeing a red squirrel in Scotland. I must ask my sister living in UK, as she loves visiting Scotland, and was telling me about red squirrels. I’ve never seen one! But I do like their little tufted ears 🙂


      1. Geneviève Ariès

        That’s just silly, you are as real a poet as I am.

        Humility, is a good quality, though.

        One never achives, one is always a student, and that is a fact.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Mike Fuller Author

    Ahh the furry fluffy cute little bundles of destructive horror. Wait until they empty your bird feeder. Wait until they chew away the wood and raid the bird houses for eggs. Wait until they decide your attic is warmer and cozier than the bare maple in the yard and destroy it. Wait until you try to remove the smell they leave behind. And if you see one or two don’t be fooled. We trapped and relocated 25 one summer. 25! Only 15 the next and usually 3 to 5 each summer since.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      So I’m guessing Sparky offering his heart didn’t work on you? 🙂
      With my two dogs, squirrels don’t stand a chance in my garden – also why I have no bird feeders. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ady

        I was blinded by the cuteness for few moments,Squirrels are becoming my weakness 😀 Then I thought over,is the heart as simple as it looks especially coming from you,so I returned and this time,viola 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. ladysighs

    Our little sparkies like to go from tree to tree. 🙂 But on their way they trot across our roof. 😦
    Maybe I will pretend it is reindeer hooves I am hearing…at least in December. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ady

    Cuuute haiku 🙂 squirrels there have a bit different appearances then found here .. I wonder if my fur balls will eat fruits too 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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