Winter Skies

Winter Skies

Winter Skies 1

A collection of verse


Look straight up on a winter’s day

When sun shines bright and clears the way

See blue touched by a silver band

Yet painted by no artist’s hand


Winter Skies 1

Winter Skies 2


With wisps and tendrils lovingly

Jack Frost adorns the skies

And biting cold no longer numbs

You gaze with spellbound eyes


Winter Skies 2

Winter Skies 3


Wafting on the icy breeze

Drifting over tops of trees

Soaring to the stratosphere

Floating ice-clouds soon appear


Winter Skies 3

Winter Skies 4


When mystery and mists combine

In curlicues and columbine

Then all your heart could ever hope

Is drifting there beyond your scope



35 thoughts on “Winter Skies

  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    Very good poetry! Love the photos. Very interesting clouds by you. Ice crystals, I gather. So whispy!
    What’s the temperature by you now?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you 🙂 The sky was lovely, my poetry not so hot but meh, I had fun! 🙂
      Temps here today a balmy 23C – yes it is mid-winter! But it was nearer 17C when I took the photos the other day.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Midwestern Plant Girl

        Pffffft. Baaaaalmy she says! 😉
        Sadly, the last week has been 17 C / 23 C for our summer temp! Very lame for us. Should be another 20 degrees warmer!

        Liked by 1 person

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