
Ducklings 1

Ducklings 1

Ducklings having fun on the weir.

Ducklings 2

Ducklings 2

You’d think these little things would be washed away by the fast flowing water in this weir. But no, they were very sure footed.

In fact, the last time I saw ducklings here at Newmillerdam Yorkshire, a hand-written sign had been put up informing the public that the ducklings were not stuck down in the weir and were quite capable of climbing out when they wished. The locals obviously got tired of ‘helpful’ citizens calling up for assistance for the ducklings.


34 thoughts on “Ducklings

  1. Pingback: Camouflage | Mad Cap Dog

  2. Ady

    I am still laughing at the idea of the ‘Sign-post’ !! I still feel shaky on seeing the baby ducklings so need that rapid flow but.. now I know or atleast pretend to 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Garfield Hug

    Reminds me of youth and the amount of trouble I gave mum to rescue me 🙂 Duckies are so cute. Our young children here only see “ducks” in supermarkets. Featherless and ready for the pot. Your country is lucky to have wildlife fowls in its natural environment. We are all modern 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jackie Jain

    Before reading the text I thoughts those baby ducks, ducklings may be washed away with waves. After reading the text I felt relieved that the babies are fine.. Their foot are grounded may be.. Thanks.. Have a good day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. pensitivity101

    Cute little fluffballs aren’t they. Survivors of the first broods that hatched here are as big as the adults now. We can only tell the difference because they still have their soft downy back feathers, and their necks are thinner!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. dizzylizzie72

    That is the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw the second photo – those baby ducks are going to wash away and mom and dad duck will have to go find them. I guess these little creatures are born to survive and we humans always think they need our help. Nice photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. spanishwoods

    That’s funny. I’m sure that’s what was happening since it looks so treacherous. I actually find that wild animals need our “help” on a less frequent basis than we’d probably like to think.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. spanishwoods

        Oh yes, I totally agree. My daughter and I took three baby birds to a shelter on separate occasions over the summer when they fell from their nests after nasty storms. I totally understand the wanting to help.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Midwestern Plant Girl

    The sign must have been a good laugh!
    A while ago, we stopped at a friend’s bar in the afternoon to find him laying face down in the parking lot.. we ran over to find him with his arms down a storm sewer with a net. We then saw the impatient, worried duck mom nearby with only 2 chicks. Apparently, there were a few that fell down the sewer and he was patiently pulling them out with a net. To help, I would herd mom duck (who was calling desperately) near the hole so they would swim near the net and get hoisted up. 9 times we pulled duckies up. Finally, no more little peeps were heard and mom seemed satisfied with the amount of babies she had. Whew! Drinks all around! ! 🍻

    Liked by 2 people

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Aw 🙂 I love the lengths caring people will go to to save little chicks. 🙂
      In the same area as my photo, there is a busy road and dangerous corner. One day all traffic had stopped – including massive trucks. Why? They all waited patiently while Mummy duck waddled down the road and crossed over with her ducklings! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

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