Tuesday Spring Fever



I love the humble Daisy.

It is Spring here in Cape Town, South Africa. I took my camera with me on my walk with my dogs round the block the other day. My neighbours have lots of flowers suddenly blooming on their verges and I thought I would share their exuberant beauty with you this week: one a day. Yesterday was my garden.

I liked in this first photo how the bright sunlight turned the daisies into an abstract art painting. The full photo follows:

Daisies and LM

Daisies and LM

You can just see Little Monkey’s back as she walks by, giving you perspective.


26 thoughts on “Tuesday Spring Fever

  1. faburlifekhloe

    I’m glad you took the photos and shared with us Sci! 😉 I agree, the first picture looks exactly like a beautiful abstract art 😉 Although daisies are beautiful, LM totally steals the show 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Midwestern Plant Girl

        I think everyone should enjoy more cheesiness! 🍕
        Ironically, no cheese icon! Cheese pizza, yes!

        Liked by 1 person

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