Red Squirrel

Red Squirrel 1

Red Squirrel 1

A walk in the park.

Continuing my Berlin adventures, my daughter DD, her husband and I took a lunch break in the park, sitting on a bench in the shade, eating sandwiches that we’d brought from home. It was lovely and peaceful there amongst the huge trees, despite it being a Sunday and lots of other people out and about.

As we sat there we suddenly noticed a little squirrel dart out from the bushes and scamper across to check out the rubbish bin. To my great surprise I noticed that it was red! I have never seen a red squirrel before, (the ones in my garden in Cape Town are all grey). This was fantastic!

Red Squirrel 2

Red Squirrel 2

We quickly took lots and lots of photos, determined to capture this unique animal. Most of them were blurred, as the little thing darted around so much.

Red Squirrel 3

Red Squirrel 3

Finally, Sparky the Red ran right up to us, and stopped and looked at us for a moment. That’s when my daughter got this great shot.

Red Squirrel 1

Red Squirrel 1

We offered him a piece of sandwich, but he wasn’t interested.

Red Squirrel 4

Red Squirrel 4

Having checked us out to his satisfaction, he hurried off again.

What a treat!


45 thoughts on “Red Squirrel

    1. scifihammy Post author

      hahaha 😀
      The red squirrel was a little smaller than the grey ones that come in my garden here in Cape Town.
      Thanks for the visit – I hope it was worth it! 🙂


  1. Laura

    Adorable I love red squirrels, there is a wooded area outside my house but we only get the “evil” grey ones. Hope the reds can make a come back, Belfast Zoo near me breeds and releases them into the wild which I think is a pretty cool idea to help repopulate them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. faburlifekhloe

    It’s interesting how you met this red squirrel in Berlin! Never seen a red one before and I found it looks quite different compared to the one we usually see. It seemed to run very fast and I think it can join Olympic running games lol 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Midwestern Plant Girl

    That’s very cool! We have red ones here, tho they are elusive and not as friendly as the greys.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ulli

    Yes Scifi, our squirrels are red and dainty. Since several years we have also the dark and bigger canadian squirrels in Germany. We hope that the habitat for the smaller native animals is maintained. But all squirrels are so cute 🙂
    Have a nice evening,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Aw – I do hope the little red squirrels manage to survive in Germany. In the UK the grey squirrels chased all the red ones away.
      Happy Evening 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Well this is what I thought a red squirrel looked like, tho I must admit, mine is a bit of a scruffy specimen! A flying fox (?) would be quite different 🙂 Still I like all squirrels 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. dizzylizzie72

    Squirrels are such cute little creatures. The one you photographed is much redder than any squirrel I have ever seen. I have been watchng the squirrels here hiding acorns for the winter. Enjoy watching them very much. Nice post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      I agree – it is great fun just to sit and watch squirrels 🙂 And yes, my guy was very red, but his tail was a little scratty! Maybe I am just used to my fat grey squirrels! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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