Angels From the Realms of Glory

Little Angels

Little Angels

Stunningly beautiful statues in relief, high up on the ceiling, at the Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin.

I am sure you have all been listening to Christmas carols in the shops for weeks already, but since it is now December, I think I can talk about this one.

Angels from the Realms of Glory is a lovely Christmas carol. It has two versions, with the same words but different tunes, and we sang both as kids, in school in the north of England.

It was difficult to find a plain rendition of this classic carol, but you can listen to a version of it here.


26 thoughts on “Angels From the Realms of Glory

  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    I had to sing this in high school choir. Back then I was a soprano… I’ve lost some octaves over the years!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Midwestern Plant Girl

        I went from high soprano to mid alto. Ouch! Maybe from lack of practice. Vocal chords are muscles. ..

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Garfield Hug

    This is indeed beautiful and gave me solace as I just got back from doctors. My new post is up on outcomes. Seems like the heavenly gods sent me a message through your post šŸ˜Š. Thanks for this šŸ™‚ bless you.

    Liked by 1 person

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