
Strelitzia 1

Strelitzia 1

The bright colours of these Strelitzia stand out against the parched landscape.

Strelitzia 2

Strelitzia 2

With blue skies and mountains behind;

Strelitzia 3

Strelitzia 3

and dried-out sandy soil beneath;

they appear to grow effortlessly in this harsh environment, looking like some kind of dinosaur flower.


Strelitzia Regina is indigenous to South Africa, and often referred to as the Crane flower.


34 thoughts on “Strelitzia

    1. scifihammy Post author

      haha You “stole” them from us then! As they are indigenous to SA. 🙂
      Yes, also known as Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower – or Strelitzia. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. scifihammy Post author

        haha For sure! SA was also a colony, so I guess the British took these plants (and many other things) and spread them around the world. 🙂
        Strelitzia is a very dramatic flower – not easily missed 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you very much 🙂 It’s lovely to have different natural scenery world wide 🙂
      We should get a little greener here after the winter rains 🙂


  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    Love these photos! Orange with blue skies 😎
    I had an extremely large one of these in Florida. It was 15′ tall and bloomed flowers the size of your arm bent. Crazy beautiful!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you. 🙂 I love the extravagance of these flowers!
      This was last month when my daughter visited. We still have sun (mostly) but it is getting chillier at night.

      Liked by 1 person

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