The Spirit is Willing

Little Monkey going to Dog Class

Little Monkey

Since Mr Spaghetti Legs is extremely wobbly on his old pins these days, I like to take Little Monkey for a longer, faster walk on her own most days. (I return and take SL for his own slow amble.)

The other day, I took Little Monkey to the sports fields, where I can let her off the lead. Unfortunately, when I got there and was walking past the tennis courts, I could see above me on the field, several not OK dogs, with an even worse owner. If I let LM off the lead now, she would definitely run straight at these dogs and bark and the owner would freak out.

So I turned left by the courts and walked along there a little way. LM could not see up onto the field as it is a raised area. I told her to sit, took off her lead and walked away the length of the tennis court – while she stayed. Yes, she has some skills! Then I called her to me, and she came straight away and sat down in front of me.

Now I knew she was listening, we continued on our walk, with her behind me.

After walking the length of the fields, hidden from sight of the dogs above, I deemed it safe to climb up onto the soccer fields. By now, the suspect dogs were diagonally across from us and two soccer fields away. LM won’t run that far!

Great; now we could continue on our walk.

Then I saw a couple of people and many dogs walking onto the field in front of us, at the other end, directly where we were headed. They looked all right, so I left LM. I know the worst that she will do is run straight at them, bark while turning round in a large arc five metres away from them, and then trot back to me. She never makes contact. Most dogs are well socialised and can tell instantly that LM is a harmless idiot and are sensible enough to ignore her behaviour.

(She does this because she is anxious and has no idea how to interact socially. I adopted her at eighteen months and she was totally unsocialised. I have done the best I can in the last nine years, (Dog classes every week!) but that part of her brain will always be underdeveloped.)

True to form, she set off at full speed towards the new dogs at the other end of the field.

They did not react at all, because they could tell by her body language that she was not aggressive. Basically, she is just a giant Noo Noo!

Then what?

Long before she reached them, she slowed down, turned and trotted back to me; not even uttering one little bark!

My dear old girl!

You are nearly eleven years old! The spirit is willing, but the lungs and the legs are not.

Still, it makes life easier for me!


39 thoughts on “The Spirit is Willing

  1. Key Image Photographers

    Ha ha ha poor little thing she ran out of woof! Happens to the best of us.
    My dog does this too….runs up to other dogs, barks in their faces and then runs off. As she is part Jack Russell when most dog owners see her tearing towards their dogs they assume she is going to attack when it’s completely the opposite.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Well, I’m glad I’m not alone! Most dogs also realise that our dogs are harmless. But LM is much bigger than a Jack Russell, and I guess she could appear scary! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Key Image Photographers

        Yes I agree. There’s a breed mentality around a lot. Mine loves children but I’ve had so many parents freak out when she’s trotted up to them. She sits in front of them and waits for her fuss. …..its very funny! Glad I’m not the only one who assesses the temperament of other dogs and makes necessary detours lol

        Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      I understand this, but am of the firm belief “use it or lose it”, applying to both our strength of body, and of mind. So even tho you might ache the next day, it is still great to keep doing things as long as you possibly can.
      I intend to keep going to my 104th birthday! 😀


  2. blosslyn

    What a wonderful place for LM to have her walks, she looks like she’s grinning. I have to keep all my three on leads if there are other dogs any where near them, they just want to play and it takes hours to get all three back. They have those long leads, so they get to interact with other dogs, but with me at the end of the lead 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      We all do the best we can with the dog/s we have. 🙂 LM will always come back when I call – but she will also, Always run up to other dogs, especially if they are acting ‘odd’ – ie anxious!
      Never mind. As long as we get to walk with our dogs, it’s all good. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      erm – Nope! hahaha
      LM has always been my most difficult dog, and only now, after trying to calm her for 9 years, am I seeing Any slowing down. And I love it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Genie

    Haha! Walking a dog is not just ‘a stroll in the park’! It’s an adventure!
    I know this because I’ve had dogs all of my life. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. pensitivity101

    Oh bless her. I remember an elderly dog of 17 who loved to go for her walks and would sit by the door. It didn’t matter that she had to be lifted in and out of the car, or that she only managed a few steps and in some instances had to be carried back, she still wanted to go.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Yes, this is pretty much Mr Spaghetti Legs! I’ve had to lift him in and out of the car since I got him 2 1/2 years ago. But as long as they are still keen to go and are not in pain, then it’s all good. 🙂
      LM still leaps into the car in a single bound! 🙂 – Thankfully, as she weighs more!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Midwestern Plant Girl

    Maybe it FINALLY clicked? (LM thinking) “Hmmm, let’s run over to those dogs and bark… run run… pant pant… is this worth it? Mom looks safe… this is tiring… I’m going to slow down. At this point, why bark? They don’t even care! Ugh. Fine. Might as well go back to Mom.”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Garfield Hug

    It is perfectly good to have a willing spirit and I admire the spunk in LM. Trying shows the will. Kinda like us humans too. I liked this post as it shows the warmth and realities of life and aging!😊

    Liked by 1 person

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