It’s the Little Things

Camellia 1

Camellia 1

Taking a photo of new buds on my Camellia bush, I realised afterwards that they were occupied.

Camellia 2

Camellia 2

If you squint closely, you’ll spot a few tiny visitors scurrying around amongst the petals; ants.

I’ve no clue what they were doing there, but they were only on the very new flowers and not at all on the older ones.

Any ideas?


30 thoughts on “It’s the Little Things

  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    I missed you yesterday! 😣
    I’d really give a good look around that bush. Seems camillia can get scale and aphids rather easily. Others have commented about the honeydew and that’s what their after. Look on the undersides of leaves and along the stems. Are any of the leaves shiney? That’s the honeydew. Maybe it’s only a small amount of invaders, but ants can smell sweets for miles… kinda like me! 🍩 If you do find anything, give em a shot of the hose. Even if your don’t. Give it a shot with the hose. Those things are small and possibly missed.
    Hope that helped!

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    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you very much. πŸ™‚ And sorry to bother you. I don’t expect you to read All my posts, but just wondered what your input would be here on this plant question. πŸ™‚
      I’ll go out and have a good inspection and see if I can find anything. The bush itself is very healthy, and the leaves naturally have a high sheen to them, so I might not notice any extra shininess. But I’ll give it a bit of a hose-down tomorrow, when I’m allowed to water a bit. Thanks again πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Midwestern Plant Girl

        You’re never bothering me! Let’s get that straight, friend! 😘
        I just miss folks posts in the reader depending on post times, sometimes.
        It always seems the posts I miss are the ones folks are asking me questions in! Ha!
        Another odd ball thought is:
        Is there something over the camillia that may be dripping dew on it? I had that happen and it drove me nuts looking at the wrong plant!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. scifihammy Post author

        haha Well thank you for that. πŸ™‚
        No – there’s nothing above the camellia, but I will take a closer look and see. It is perfectly healthy otherwise, I just wondered about the ants. And I can’t spray it with water today, as we have drizzle, so not allowed to!
        I’ll keep you posted! πŸ™‚ And Thank you again, my Go To Plant Girl! πŸ™‚

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    1. scifihammy Post author

      Aphids were the first thing I looked for too, as I see ants on my roses sometimes, and they are after aphids there. I don’t know; maybe there was something for them to eat. πŸ™‚


  2. Genie

    Annoying when one wants to bring some of the flowers into the house, I find this to be true with peonies, anyway. Ants just aren’t welcome in the house! πŸ™‚

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