Feed Me!

Hungry LM

Hungry LM

Little Monkey anxiously awaits her supper; all the more hungry because Mr Spaghetti Legs is already eating his.

But SL takes ages to swallow his evening meal and LM wolfs hers down in seconds; so though I always feed her last, she still finishes way before him.


Oh, and the red collar is what I clip her lead on to when walking her. We’d just come back from a walk and I had forgotten to take it off.


42 thoughts on “Feed Me!

  1. Crystal Cotton

    LM is hilarious, what a cutie! My sister’s dog Ripley is just like this at dinner time. When dinner time draws near she just starts pacing and circling around the kitchen door. It’s so funny!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Ah – no worries, but no it isn’t chocolate, and, like most ‘kids’ my dogs don’t eat vegetables. I have moved all edibles way out of LM’s reach – since she ate a Whole Christmas cake one year!
      And compared to my friends’ dogs, LM is little – they have a Great Dane, Lurcher, Malamute and Wolfhound! 🙂
      (These must seem like giants to little Gabbie! 🙂 )

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      1. scifihammy Post author

        Aw cute! 🙂 (But sorry to hear about the electricity; no fun when you are old.)
        One of the great things about taking LM to dog socialisation classes every week is meeting all kinds of dogs – from the giants I mentioned, to miniature dachshunds, Yorkshire Terriers and everything in between. 🙂
        It is the funniest thing to watch a tiny dog putting a massive dog in its place!
        It’s all about attitude! 🙂

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    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you for the nomination, Bee 🙂 I appreciate you thinking of MadCapDog, but I have an Awards Free blog – I just find it easier. However, I do my regular Sunday quote today – so there’s one for you. 🙂

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  2. blosslyn

    Ah LM has the same look as Nancy does at feeding time. New puppy, Toffee is feed up on the bench first, then Nipper and Eddie are feed together one on each side of the kitchen and then Nancy on her own, as she eats slowly. If she was feed first, fat boy slim (Nipper) would wolf it all down before she has a chance to eat it. Unlike Eddie who would bite Nipper, Nancy just lets him eat her dinner……she is the reason he is fat, or was, he is now on a strict diet…..I have rambled on enough 🙂 Lovely photo of LM 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      haha I love the dynamics! I had a similar thing when I had 3 dogs – it’s just to know who to watch! Meal times do have to be supervised tho, then it’s fine. 🙂

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    1. scifihammy Post author

      haha Yep! Which is why I stand there, and the moment LM has finished she is shoved out the door! – She seems to think that if a stray kibble has fallen out of SL’s bowl and is on the floor only inches away from SL – that kibble is now hers! She has absolutely no Doggie social skills! 🙂

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      1. Sarah Ferguson and Choppy

        Choppy is generally the good one when it comes to eating with other dogs (I have to watch Izzy like a hawk). Now, when it comes to she and Schooner getting treats, that’s a whole different ballgame. Anything belonging to the cat is apparently ill-gotten goods in Choppy’s mind, and free for the taking.

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