Arum Lily Mystery

Arum Lily 1

Arum Lily 1

Beautiful Death Flower

Arum Lily 2

Arum Lily 2

Even as I watch you

Arum Lily 3

Arum Lily 3

Unfurl your milky white heart

Arum Lily 4

Arum Lily 4

I have to ask myself

Arum Lily 5

Arum Lily 5

How on Earth you got here?


I have several Arum Lilies growing in my front garden, that were already there when we bought the house. I have never planted any more, but just enjoyed those we had, blooming anew every year.

This year I noticed a large Arum Lily growing right by the back stoep. I’ve no idea how it managed to plant itself there and grow; in amongst the air plant and weeds!


39 thoughts on “Arum Lily Mystery

  1. Garfield Hug

    I see these lilies growing in the wild in Perth too at Bushy Lake. I think as you said it, they sprout through wind or root propagation. These are expensive here but I love seeing them๐Ÿ˜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. scifihammy Post author

      You can buy them here as a massive bulb – which is why I wondered how it had ‘moved’ – but apparently, they seed! It was way too far for the roots to have reached – so not like ‘Son of shrimp bush’ ๐Ÿ˜€


      1. Garfield Hug

        Strangely in HK at one time it was used for cake boxes, bedsheet prints and weddings. Easter…easter as in life and new beginnings maybe that was why it was used as such in HK back in 1990s.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Midwestern Plant Girl

    That’s how nature works! You may not see all the steps to the process, however it’s nice to see the outcomes! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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