Sunday Musings #69

You never know what you have until . . .

 . . . you clean your room. 

– Anon


A pertinent quote today I thought, as I am in the middle of spring-cleaning.

Yes, washing windows and curtains, bedding and cushions; cleaning out kitchen cupboards and washing glasses.

Also, as spring is the time of year here in South Africa, where everything in the garden suddenly starts growing madly all at once, I have to spend a lot of time weeding flower beds and hacking back trees, hedges and vines.

So, what have I found so far after all my cleaning?

A lot of dust bunnies!

No, Little Monkey, not that kind of bunny!


53 thoughts on “Sunday Musings #69

      1. Garfield Hug

        Lol!! I used these for mini “vase” or pencil/pen holders or water plants like money plant that thrives in water. Usually “recycled” as I love the design which is why I kept it and like you forgot about it😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Garfield Hug

        😃 seriously if Garfield could walk and live for ever it would be swell. But it is impossible ha ha unless he is a robot. I cannot take it emotionally when pets take their journey to the other realm. Heart breaking as any pet is a family member too.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Ah I remember that after moving once; we had a whole room filled top to bottom with boxes and I tried to go through one a week. In the end, I figured if I didn’t miss it, I didn’t need it! 🙂

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      1. Sarah Ferguson and Choppy

        Exactly! Most of the things that are in boxes still are books – I’ve decided I’m done moving them, so I’ve been giving them away (except for a few that I love). Hopefully, I’ll get through them and then be down to things that I use and love!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Genie

    Hahaha! What a hilarious quote!
    I’m jealous it’s spring where you live, cold man winter is just around the bend, oh well, winter is good for waiting for spring! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you 🙂 But I wouldn’t be too envious of our spring, as it means a very hot summer is just around the corner, which I am trying not to think about! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. C. C. Cedras

        Let me know how that works out! Fergus likes to “help” in the garden, but it usually means he’s biting off fresh blooms from the perennials. If I can get him to pull weeds, I’m golden.

        Liked by 1 person

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