Sunday Musings #73

I always carry a knife in my purse, just in case we’re having cake.

– Anonymous


I bet when you first started reading this, you thought, “It’s so dangerous in Cape Town Scifi has to carry a knife in her purse.”

Ha ha

You should know me better by now!


33 thoughts on “Sunday Musings #73

  1. maureenrose7

    omgoodness at first I was like holy crap! I wondered if you lived in a rough neighborhood! hahaha!! I keep scissors in the glove box my daughter calls them ‘the food scissors’ for when we share burgers or whatever hahahaa! this cracked me up to read honey! its actually a very good idea! ❀ πŸ™‚ ❀

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      1. maureenrose7

        hahaha! yes they came in handy for a lot of things youve just got to be sure to wipe off the ketchup before cutting fabric hahaha! XO!

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  2. samexploreslife

    Bit like me, I have a baseball bat in the car, but it’s really a lock for the steering wheel lol, happy Halloween πŸŽƒ

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  3. Midwestern Plant Girl

    I also carry a bottle opener, just in case there’s wine!
    Ha ha! Hope you are well! Miss you in my reader 😚

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