
Distortion 1

Distortion 1

Sitting under the shade of my trees in the early evening I looked over at the pool and noticed this strange sight.

What on Earth is it?

Distortion 2

Distortion 2

On closer inspection I realised that it was two empty beer bottles, floating on the top step of the pool*, put there by my husband. Their image was distorted by refraction in the water. . . . Or, after a vodka or two, was the distortion in my head? Which gave rise to this little haiku:

Haiku 37

Squiffy beer bottles

Warped beyond recognition

By one too many?



*post script: The blue thing behind the beer bottles is the pool bobbin; a plastic container that floats around the pool and slowly releases chemicals into the water to keep the algae at bay.


17 thoughts on “Distortion

  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    Ok. Who let someone in the pool with glass?! Someone who’s not clumsy like me 😉
    I only have a hot tub now, however I still can’t be trusted and have a plastic wine glass.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      No No – No-one was in the pool with glass; just the bottles had been carefully placed there – when empty! And the pool pump was no longer running! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Midwestern Plant Girl

        Ok. I had gotten worried there 😉 I’ve had to clean glass from a pool before and it’s no fun! It’s really hard to see.

        Liked by 1 person

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