
Pink Flowers 1

Pink Flowers 1

Galaxy 4

I recently came across this beautiful flowering bush at a rose farm; a plethora of pink!

What caught my eye was the massive black bee/beetle thing that was buzzing around the flowers. However, large as it was, it was too quick for me and I see I didn’t capture it here!

Pink Flowers 2

Pink Flowers 2

Still, the flowers were stunning enough and I enjoyed their wealth of colour. I think this is a type of wild rose, from the rose subfamily, Rosoideae, called Wood’s Rose.

This is the fourth in my Galaxy camera phone photos. I will say this for the camera phone; the colours are excellent.


Plethora – A large or excessive amount of something.


26 thoughts on “Bedazzled!

  1. sportsattitudes

    Indeed phone cameras’ quality has greatly improved over time, clearly evident by how these are coming up on your site!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Midwestern Plant Girl

    So beautiful!
    I shoot my pix with a Galaxy 6, however I had a 4 b4. They do great for macro shots and I always felt the color was great. Sadly, the clarity drops off after about 10 feet. About the distance of the bird feeders at work. 😣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you 🙂
      I have a Galaxy J3, so not v fancy, but even so I am impressed with its features. My main problem is not moving the phone when I take a photo, but I’m getting better.
      Since starting this series I have been surprised by how many of my blogger friends take their photos with a camera phone, because the results are great. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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