Raaa The Sun Dog!

LM Sun Dog 1

Raaa The Sun Dog.

Seeks out any brightly lit area and basks in the sun’s rays.

LM Sun Dog 2

And to prove she has awesome powers, just look at her sun spots!

LM Sun Dog 3

Can’t see them? Look closer!

LM Sun Dog 4

The All Seeing Eyes!


post script: You can read here about the other Ra, the Sun God.


25 thoughts on “Raaa The Sun Dog!

  1. pensitivity101

    Barney was our sun worshipper, toasting himself in front of the garage in the bungalow.
    He’d then turn himself round to do the other side rather than simply roll over! Maggie will sleep in the sunshine, but maybe because she’s black she gets hotter than he did and then needs to find some shade.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Fun how each dog has its own preferences. 🙂
      Most of my dogs have loved to sunbathe – even over here where it has reached 40C!! I only had one dog, Lady, who had a very thick coat, that preferred the shade. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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