The Return of Sparky


I haven’t seen much of Sparky the squirrel lately.

But as our weather begins to cool down, it’s time for Sparky to fatten up for winter.

This little chap looks like a youngster.

Sparky 2

I can’t make out what he’s eating, but it was obviously yummy enough for him to ignore me creeping ever closer from inside the house, trying to get a clear shot of him as he munched away on the lawn.

Sparky 3

Sparky, my boy! Did your mother never tell you not to eat with your mouth open?


33 thoughts on “The Return of Sparky

    1. scifihammy Post author

      haha I’m not a dog – my Dog is a dog! 😀
      And Sparky the squirrel always keeps an eye out for any danger and dashes up a tree if my dog goes outside. – So Sparky lives to frolic another day. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    Sparky is always a cute photo op! LM must have been on break at that time 😉
    My Sparkys got mad at me for not putting any peanuts out while I was gone at work. My co-worker was nice enough to put sunflower seeds out 😋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Nope – I don’t feed the Sparkys. I think it would be unfair to encourage them to my garden, when LM is there to madly chase them! But there seems to be enough food for them regardless. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A Curious Introvert

    Great shots and I wonder what was so good to eat that he failed to notice your approach. Our squirrels have taken over the new bird feeder and can be found quite often sitting in the middle of it eating peanuts.

    Liked by 1 person

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