A Shaggy Dog Story

LM 2

Here’s my very own Shaggy Dog.

LM 1

My, what big ears you have Mr Wolf!

Twice a year Little Monkey has a bath.

She hates it!

LM 3

The only thing that makes bathtime bearable is –

LM 4

The treats she gets afterwards!

LM 5

Nom Nom Nom

LM 6

Hey Mum! Come give me a tummy tickle!

LM 7

And after all that hard work, a little nap in the sun.

LM 8

Finally dry enough to come back inside.

All Done and Dusted – and Fluffy!


post script: LM’s last bath was in March! Even though she is not a stinky dog, I really think the minimum number of washes is two a year. Now she smells so fresh and her coat is even softer. She is getting lots of extra cuddles!

post post script: A Shaggy Dog Story is a very long winded kind of joke with a pointless punchline.

For example: This is the shortest Shaggy Dog Story I know; one my Dad used to tell me.

One dark and stormy night, two men were crossing a bridge. And one man says to the other, “Antonio, tell us a tale.” And the tale ran thus. One dark and stormy night, two men were crossing a bridge. And one man says to the other, “Antonio, tell us a tale.” And the tale ran thus. One dark and stormy night, two men were crossing a bridge. And one man says to the other, “Antonio, tell us a tale.” And the tale ran thus. . . . 

You get the picture!


51 thoughts on “A Shaggy Dog Story

  1. Stareofthedog

    Ahwhat a great cuddly looking bear of a dog she looks. So cute. My do needs his teeth cleaning by way of reference to earlier comments. What a job that will be. One for a blog story mind so not all bad I guess.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you 🙂 Little Monkey has a heart of gold, tho the brain of a Noo Noo! 😀
      Yes, our mutts can provide us with content for many posts – good luck on the teeth cleaning. 🙂
      Also, thank you very much for liking this post – you have now made it my Top Tail by ousting the awful High Tea post!! So hard when we have no say over which post will appeal to our readers!


    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you 🙂 Yes, I think twice is a year is enough – unless my dog rolls in something disgusting of course!
      I knew someone who had Dalmatians and she washed them every two weeks. I’m surprised she didn’t wash their spots off! 😀


      1. blosslyn

        Yep, they all had one this morning, sent them out with out their coats, and give them a good rub down when they came in. Toffee had never seen snow before and he loved it…..well he is part of the Husky family, so he should 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Garfield Hug

    It is funny how after a bath or wash dogs tend to run out and rub on grass. When my pet Dobermann was alive, I think I overbathed her…weekly! But the humidity makes her stinky and each saturday after the wash she would dash off onto the grass! LM is like her. LM looks so happy and clean and yes mam more treats for LM😃👍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. scifihammy Post author

      haha Yes they do like to get rid of that Fresh smell don’t they?
      I keep LM on the lead till she is nearly dry – or she would go and roll in the dust, turning it to Mud! 😀


  3. C C Cedras

    Not telling Fergus, who gets either a bath or groomed every three weeks, minimum. Still, he pretty much enjoys it and sometimes falls asleep while I’m blowing him dry. 😁

    Liked by 2 people

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Aw but little Fergus needs the grooming and he looks Soo cute 🙂
      I had 2 dogs that I had to trim the hair all the time – which is why LM is a short haired dog with no special grooming needs! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you 🙂
      Yes, I was surprised myself when I checked my notes, that LM Hadn’t rolled in anything – hence the long time since her last bath. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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