I’ll Be Home on Christmas Day Again

I left home when I was 18, but still went home every Christmas.

I left England when I was 21. In the following years, before my parents both died, I was only “Home on Christmas Day” three times.

Though I made my own family Christmases here in South Africa, it is just not the same, celebrating Christmas in a very hot country, in the middle of summer.

Christmas will always feel a little sad to me.

So here is Elvis to sing it like it is.

Wishing those of you who celebrate it;

Merry Christmas;

and those of you who do not;

Happy Holidays. 

And sparing a thought for those who are lonely or sad at this time of year and sending you a Sunbeam!


post script: In the spirit of re-using last year’s Christmas wrapping paper, I am re-cycling last year’s Christmas post; because you can’t say it any better than Elvis.

Traditions fall away or are no longer viable (you can’t build a snowman without snow) so you have to start new ones. This is the third time I have recycled this post and it is now my new tradition. My Old Faithful (followers) will no doubt remember this post and join in the tradition.


If you have trouble trying to watch this video, you could try here Elvis 1,  Elvis 2, or Elvis 3, or else just search on YouTube for “Elvis, I’ll be home on Christmas Day.” It is worth the effort to hear Elvis singing this lovely song.


36 thoughts on “I’ll Be Home on Christmas Day Again

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Oh I have no problem at all with recycled posts (I recycle photos quite often!) Some have Throwaway Thursday especially for that purpose – and it’s great to see a post I might have missed. 🙂
      I only mention it here, because this is the Fourth time I’ve trundled this one out! 😀
      I hope you’ve all had a lovely festive week so far and All the Best for 2018 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ady

    I knew I recognize the words from somewhere, ‘I will be home’ …..
    I hope you are enjoying Christmas in your own style , Christmas with beautiful flowers and wine is a great place to be too 😊
    Merry Christmas Sci 🌲🌲🌲

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A Curious Introvert

    You are so right that you can’t say it any better than Elvis.🙂 I don’t remember a Christmas without Elvis as a constant singing companion and thank you for another holiday reminder of the memories his songs and voice evoke. Merry Christmas!🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. blosslyn

    Hope you and yours have a wonderful joyful Christmas. On a side note we are in for 9 force gales on the south coast tomorrow, so in the nicest possible way, enjoy your warmth 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. blosslyn

        Thank you :), its very windy at the moment, It’s a bit to windy for me in our caravan, but my husbands says it fine………eh not sure I agree. Never mind we had a lovely day 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. blosslyn

        Ha ha In the end the gusts got to 11 force, tonight is quieter, but the caravan site is a swamp, as the rain is still pouring down. I think we will have to go home on Thursday with the caravan, as it is suppose to be a good day and then new storms are moving in with snow 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  4. quiall

    This song is beautiful albeit sad. Sending you virtual chilly thoughts from my -13c morning. I also love Bing Crosby’s “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”. Merry Christmas my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

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