Winter Wonderland


It may be winter down here in Cape Town, but many of my plants are in full bloom and my garden is full of life and colour. In fact it seems more colourful now than it is in summer.

Join me for a walk around my Mid-Winter garden.

Bougainvillea 1

The first photo is of my peach hibiscus, which produces large pretty blooms for most of the year.

Next, my bougainvillea is a welcome cheery pink, but seems to have suffered a bit from the drought; it is quite crinkly.

Bougainvillea 2

You have seen photos of some of my honeysuckle recently. Here is a yellow bush that I planted as a little thing only a year ago.


And my plumbago is still producing many lovely blue blooms.


My poinsettia is a tree reaching for the sky. This shot captures the bright red leaves from underneath, as the flowers are all way above my head.


The recent rain has cheered up many of my plants, but has left these impatiens with muddy faces!


And Miss Camellia is absolutely bursting with blooms.

Camellia 1


Camellia 2

Even closer!

Camellia 3

And last, but by no means least, my Old Faithful floribunda rose bush, still going strong.


All these photos were taken on the same day last week; 21 June, our Winter Solstice.

I hope you have enjoyed wandering around my winter garden with me.


33 thoughts on “Winter Wonderland

      1. blosslyn

        Well at the moment I am working in the garden after work until it gets dark at about 10, making the most of the hot weather. Its too hot to do any during the day, so its the night shift. The dogs hate it, not use to it, on Weds its suppose to hit around 36 degrees here in the Fens….ha ha so not looking forward to that 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. blosslyn

        It is hot here, have to do the gardening in the evening, but yes ha ha 36 and we would all melt……just not use to it 🙂 hot enough at 27, which it got to one day this week 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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