
Hibiscus 1

Hibiscus 1

My hibiscus is in full orange bloom.

Hibiscus 2

Hibiscus 2

But my dogs, Little Monkey and Mr Spaghetti Legs (in the distance) are not the least bit interested.

Hibiscus 3

Hibiscus 3

“Put the camera down, Mum, and come Feed us!  We’re guarding the door because we know you’ll have to come in this way!”

The conversation then went something like this: –

LM&SL: We’re waiting for the biscuits!

Me: What biscuits?

LM&SL: You know, you said, “Hi, Biscuits.”

Me: No, no, I said, “Hibiscus!”

LM&SL: Oh. But we still get biscuits, right?


25 thoughts on “Hibiscus

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Oh no! I’m so glad you caught the little dog! It’s probably very confused – routine all gone.
      And I hope your Mum-in-law is doing well too.


  1. Garfield Hug

    Awesome blooms!! I have not seen a hibiscus bush that well decorated with flowers. You do have green thumbs though you don’t think so ha ha! As for SL and LM, I am sure they had their biscuits. Garfield hugs to you and your “kids”😊


  2. Midwestern Plant Girl

    Ha ha! I do know ‘dog speak’ and yes. Almost everything sounds like a food item.
    I say “because”, they hear “bisquit”
    I say “today”, they hear “treat”
    I say “Forget it”, they hear “fifty treats!” 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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