Two’s Company!

LM and SL

LM and SL

Seems that no matter how many mats are available, these two dogs of mine want to be on the same one!

Little Monkey is the trouble maker, and with her speed and agility she can dash inside first. She then lies on the mat that she knows Mr Spaghetti Legs wants to lie on. Often she’ll lie there until the old boy has lain down somewhere else, then she’ll jump up and go lie on her preferred mat elsewhere.

This time, however, SL decided he’d give it a go. LM had lain very far back on the mat, leaving most of it exposed. The old boy slowly lay down right next to her, being very careful to not quite touch her. Normally LM would get up and go find another mat.

This time however, she stayed put.

You’ve no idea how unusual this is. You probably think because my dogs live together that they are the best of friends and play together, sleep together etc.

Not so. LM is a very anxious, unsocialised dog (before I got her). The fact that the old boy can lie right by her, is because he is special. In the not quite three years that we’ve had him, he has put up with all LM’s nonsense, with a quiet calm energy that reassures her again and again. It is this alone that lets her allow him to lie so close to her.

And yes, LM does have her ear resting on the settee!


32 thoughts on “Two’s Company!

  1. Tom's Nature-up-close Photography and Mindfulness Blog

    Awesome! 🙂
    It’s funny how dogs’ personalities can be so very different! Now that we are taking care of Lola, my mother-in-law’s dog, our dog Gabbie doesn’t mind at all. However, back when Heidi was alive, and we got Gabbie, Heidi was always resentful and uncaring toward Gabbie.
    We took Lola, yesterday, to the recuperation center where my mother-in-law is temporarily staying; it was a surprise and she was thrilled to see her little dog! Neat that they allow dogs to visit there; there is even a permanent dog there (that is big and friendly).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Ah the pack dynamics can be complicated, and even change over time.
      I’m glad that Lola could visit your Mum-in-law; I’m sure it will help her recover more quickly 🙂

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  2. Tails by the Sea

    Such sweet faces! My mum says that I become competitive when another dog comes near her, because I place myself between her and the other dog. Sometimes I like to take over a toy or a spot that another dog is using. Maybe I need another calm dog in my life like SL ~ wags and woofs, Kona

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Ah, we’re all different, Kona 🙂 Some dogs just prefer to be the only one. It took me a year to find a match for my dog LM – it isn’t easy.
      Woofs from LM and SL 🙂

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  3. Midwestern Plant Girl

    My boys have a similar relationship. They know they are part of the same pack, however most of the time it’s, “I’m first! Who cares about the other guy!”
    Mr. SL has such a cute face and calm demeanor, a perfect friend for the spaz, oops, I mean Monkey 🐒

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Laura

    Aw how lovely, they may not be the best of buds in the traditional sense but they certainly have a special relationship, SL must be a patient doggy bless him 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Laura

        That’s so nice I really hope someday that Bonnie can help others like SL has as we would love to foster dogs that need that bit of extra help 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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