The Web!

SL Fynbos Plant 1

Haiku 131

So you have returned

Good to see you my old friend

Sanity restored


SL Fynbos Plant 2

This is the Mr Spaghetti Legs’ little fynbos bush, Erica Quadrangularis, planted in September 2016.

I am always thrilled when I notice new green growth and the tiny white flowers in Spring. (Yes, it is early this year, as it is still mid-winter here in Cape Town.)

SL Fynbos Plant 3

I tend to it regularly and make sure it has water throughout the drought, carrying around heavy buckets of grey water to keep it alive.

I am rewarded by its return; shown in the first photo with a tiny gossamer web encrusted with dewdrops.



So we finally got the new Router. It was the right one this time and we are connected once more to the world wide web.

It’s good to be back, as there are certain things I missed, such as easy contact with my family overseas, my Duolingo languages and, of course, blogging.

And I do enjoy “surfing” the web and watching YouTube clips.

But I am not totally reliant on it and do have days when I don’t switch on my laptop at all.

So what do I do for entertainment then?

Our TV is abysmal and I never watch anything, but I have many movies on dvd (oh hundreds!). I do crosswords, cryptic, skeleton and others, and I have always loved to curl up with a good book.

Still, it is good to be back!

Hello again my friends!


Mr Spaghetti Legs

Mr Spaghetti Legs 8

Mr SL 3


33 thoughts on “The Web!

  1. Garfield Hug

    Yaay!! You are connected with the world again. I love seeing SL again and I have seen that same species of bush you featured here. I never knew its botanical name till I read your post! Thanks and happy Thursday! Almost Friday

    Liked by 2 people

  2. pgraysurvival

    Happy you’re back on line.

    Love the thread full of dew.
    We used to enjoy walking through woods with the dog to the beauty that spiders had spun and that the night air had decorated with a myriad of tiny beads.
    Sadly no more, we have no woods around us and precious few trees,
    Just money spiders (as tiny as tiny can be) airborne on the wind hanging on tight to a single gossamer thread of silk. Never to be hurt by us (no matter how itchy they make me feel).

    I was taken to task about little flowers because what I was looking at was “a weed”.
    I didn’t care. Some of the most beautiful of creations are often the smallest.
    After all the difference between a weed and a flower is what, a name or just someone trying to impress. There is a Innocence in nature which cannot be bested by opinion.

    As for spaghetti legs? I remember SWMBO telling me. She being a dog lover (and then some) was really cut up about it. To us, a loss of a family member (our dogs were and are part of our family) is as painful as the loss of a relative or friend.

    You never forget them and who joins the family afterwards never replaces them only adds something new to your life.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you – it is good to be online again.
      And thank you for all your very useful advice with the ‘coffee router’, which I showed to my husband. We decided to keep the old router running as we had a little internet, and if he’d cleaned it some more, we may have lost even that.

      Yes, Mr Spaghetti Legs went away nearly 3 years ago and it’s over 6 months since Little Monkey joined him. I have been looking for another rescue dog, but have not found the right one yet. It’s exactly what you say- a new dog never replaces the old, but takes up a new place in your heart.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you. 😀
      Oh yes, I re-watch my dvds many times. I have favourites that I watch at least once a year. Fortunately dvds do not wear out the same as the old VHS tapes! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Murphy's Law

    Since I’m a newer follower of yours, I didn’t get to know Mr. Spaghetti Legs. My loss. What a handsome boy. Beautiful markings. I understand perfectly why the emerging of this plant each year is so close to your heart. ❤️

    In the first photo the dew drops look like a lovely string of pearls! The tiny white blossoms are so delicate, but clearly it’s root system is strong… strong it’s blooming well before its time, I think just to please you!

    So glad you have the proper router and things are back to normal in your part of the cyber world. 🤗
    🐾Ginger 🐾

    Liked by 2 people

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you, that’s very kind. 😀
      Mr Spaghetti Legs was at least 12 when I adopted him – Little Monkey chose him – and he lived with us for 3 years. He was certainly a survivor, which is why I have such a soft spot for this plant, as you noticed.
      It is tiny tho; the stem is thinner than my little finger; so I never assume it will survive. 🙂

      Yes, I am looking forward to catching up on my favourite YouTube sites tonight. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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