
Apple Blossom 1

Haiku 230

Delicate petals

Promise of new beginnings



Apple Blossom 2

My ancient apple tree endures through the changing seasons; surviving gales, droughts, storms – and pandemics.


18 thoughts on “Blossoms

  1. A Curious Introvert

    Wonderful poem and photos!šŸ™‚ There have been so many days Iā€™m thankful to the steadfast timing and promise of hope and beauty nature provides during the misplaced days of this pandemic.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Murphy's Law

    Three cheers for the resilient apple tree. Those petals do appear to be extremely fragile, but your tree is a survivor. Great Haiku.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you so much! šŸ˜€
      Yes, I guess the apple tree is as old as the loquat – over 50 years? Pretty good going. šŸ˜€


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