Spider-man’s Web?

Caught in the web

Caught in the web

What kind of an enormous spider made this cobweb? And you’ve got to believe we have some huge arachnids here in South Africa. The Baboon spider for one; massive, grey and hairy, but relatively harmless to humans; unless you die of a heart attack when you meet one! See Incy Wincy Spider for more exciting details on SA spiders.

But judging by the thickness of the strands, this cobweb looks more like something Spider-man would leave behind.

Or does it?

Caught in the web 2

Caught in the web 2

Gotcha! It is hair from Mr Spaghetti Legs! When I groom him, tufts of hair often float away before I can catch them. And one such ended up here, on the dead branch of a plant in a pot on my stoep.

But you can be certain I made very sure this was hair and not web, with a spider potentially lurking nearby, before I got close enough to take a photo. 


42 thoughts on “Spider-man’s Web?

    1. scifihammy Post author

      haha 🙂 Glad you liked it 🙂
      To see a spider on steroids – click on the Incy Wincy Spider link: This nasty looking massive black and yellow spider nearly got me!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    I thought maybe a bird had collected it as they do use webbing to hold the best together. Very good puzzle!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ady

    Awesome shot and quite a scare you gave me with those pics !!! 😀 especially I relieved to know Baboon spiders aren’t lurking nearby 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      I used to freak out at spiders as a kid, but learnt not to. However, I still don’t want the tiny poisonous ones to bite me, or have the big ones On me!! 🙂


      1. pensitivity101

        Likewise, living in the country we had some huge beats come in, so I had to tolerate them. Hubby had a kit, wine or beer glass with a coaster or place mat depending on size! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      hehe Thank you 🙂 It is getting harder to fool my readers!!
      LM came to me with chronic untreated ear infections and ear mites etc. Now and then it still flares up, aggravated by her floppy ears, and as you say, hair in the ears won’t help either – anything that impedes the air flow to the ear canal. I regularly use a very good cleaning solution for her ears, and now and then she needs an antibiotic cream too. The poor old girl Hates having solutions poured in her ears and whimpers, even tho it isn’t sore. But I treat her and then we go for a walk, and she’s forgotten all about it in one minute! 🙂 Good Luck with your dog 🙂


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