Birds of a Feather . . .


Seagulls – Muizenberg Beach

. . . Flock together!

And The Seagull’s Name Was Nelson  or was it Jonathan Livingston Seagull?

I guess, as there are two birds, it’s both of them!


And yes, I do know that there is no such thing as a Seagull, but that’s not going to stop me calling them that!


20 thoughts on “Birds of a Feather . . .

    1. scifihammy Post author

      This beach (like most in CT) is not commercialised, so no fish and chips etc. I have seen seagulls dive bombing for food at a local harbour though.


  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    Seagull just rolls off the tongue better than say, oceangulls or even parkinglotgulls like we have here 😉
    Just keep those warm weather shots coming…winter is closing in on me!

    Liked by 1 person

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