38 thoughts on “Hello There

    1. scifihammy Post author

      haha As LM is an anxious girl, I have had to learn “Dog Language”, which proves very useful when out on our walks, as I can tell by her body language what she has seen long before I can see it. (Usually another dog, so I can take evasive measures!) 🙂

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  1. Midwestern Plant Girl

    Ha! I get this look at home from Breck. If this look doesn’t work, next comes a paw on me… then two. Then the head cock. If I’m still too dumb to figure out what he wants (I know what he wants 🍖) a little bark will come, then a big bark.
    He’s been trying to teach me the same trick for 9 years… The ‘give me a treat’ trick. 😉

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