Rose Bud

Orson 1

Rose Bud does not care that it is the middle of winter here.

Nor that I hacked her almost to death very recently. (See ย I Thought I’d Killed You.)

She just does her own thing, regardless.

Orson 2

The whole stem that you can see here has grown from the tiny stalk that remained.

On the left is new growth from the larger pink rose bush.

Due to the angle of the sun, the shadows of the rose buds and leaves on the wall behind, do not entirely match those that you can actually see, creating an abstract effect that I love.

And if you wonder why my Rose Buds are always called Orson; check out Orson Welles’ excellent movie, Citizen Kane.


34 thoughts on “Rose Bud

      1. samanthamurdochblog

        Yes! Very good…I hope he wouldn’t mind me naming my rosebush after him! I lived in Harrogate for a few years and my family are all from the North, and now I live not far from where he was reinterred..

        Liked by 1 person

      2. scifihammy Post author

        I’m sure he’d be happy to be remembered! ๐Ÿ™‚
        So – do you have a Yorkshire accent? Just wondering. I still say eg ‘grass’ with the short ‘a’. ๐Ÿ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

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