Sunday Musings #184

I wonder what my kids are going to tell their kids . . . “It was so rough back in my day, I didn’t get a phone till 4th Grade and sometimes the wi-fi didn’t always work upstairs.”

– Unknown


Yes, this is exactly what they’ll say, because by then the whole world will probably be linked by neural implants*, with instantaneous access to all the data you could ever wish for!



We had no internet the whole of Sunday!

No, I didn’t spill my coffee over the new Router!

I did my morning chores then sat down with my laptop and a cuppa to do my Sunday post. WordPress would not load. OK, it happens. Maybe WP is working on their site.

So I did some gardening; hacking back vines behind the bougainvillea, which I really don’t like doing.

When I tried again later, there was still no internet.

We had nothing all day.

I don’t know what was going on, but we weren’t alone. A very large area of Cape Town was off-line.

This was more than frustrating as I had arranged to chat online with my sister in the UK. I hadn’t spoken to her for weeks, because of my previous internet problems, (albeit self-inflicted!) I had to cancel.

By 10 pm there was still no connection and the Router had finally given up trying; now showing a solid red internet light!

This morning I automatically checked the internet access.

Wheeeeeeeee! We’re Back!

So here is my Sunday Musings on a Monday!


*post script: While I was simply being amusing here, the reality may be a lot closer than we think. Read this: Elon Musk hopes to put a computer chip in your brain.


22 thoughts on “Sunday Musings #184

  1. A Curious Introvert

    Great quote and it’s very hard to recall fourth grade at my age, but I don’t think we even knew we could use the house phone back then! I barely make it through a week without some device, computer, wifi, or phone not working, so there’s no way I will ever believe in computer chips in the brain or self-driving cars. Glad you’re back again!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      haha Yeah, there were no devices when I was growing up – not even a photocopier for notes!
      I certainly won’t be having chips anywhere near me – unless they are the edible kind! 😀


  2. Wellness Garden Design

    I rarely loose internet & can use my phone’s hot spot if desperate. Where I am, it’s unacceptable to be down longer than an hour.
    My mom used to document when any type of service was out and deduct it from the bill with an explanation enclosed. 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      hahaha I love what your Mum did! 😀

      btw I wrote 2 comments on your Wellness Garden blog and one on the Naturarian. I see my comment awaiting moderation on the Naturarian, but nothing on the Wellness Garden.
      I hope you find them! 🙂


  3. long4h2o

    True story: Back when I worked IT support for a university, we had a faculty member called and asked when we would be done with backing up the Internet. It’s a very logical conclusion because we sometimes take application servers down to do backup. Logical but wrong!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. scifihammy Post author

      haha 😀
      I laugh, but I really don’t understand all the processes that go on to get internet to my laptop, nor all the different names for things!
      And I think the internet backs itself up – as in I am sure all our stuff is floating around in the ether somewhere! 😀


  4. Murphy's Law

    Nope! I have too many things fighting for space in my brain now. No room for a computer chip! 😡

    Wow! That was a lot of Internet service down. Has to be very frustrating when you can’t communicate with family as usual. Hopefully you can catch up with your sister today. On the bright side, you managed to polish off some yard work you dislike, so now that’s behind you!

    Hope this week proves to be a pleasant one for you.
    🐾Ginger 🐾

    Liked by 1 person

    1. scifihammy Post author

      Thank you. 🙂
      It was very frustrating as we’d been without internet for so long anyway!
      But it’s OK. Worse things can happen!
      Hope you have a good week too. 🙂


  5. pgraysurvival

    Time to think Satellite!
    It’s way faster than landline and unless a pigeon builds a nest on top of your dish, usually reliable.


    1. scifihammy Post author

      I don’t know anyone here in SA who has satellite internet. We don’t have a dish as we don’t pay for those TV channels.
      But – fibre is supposedly coming to our area . . .
      Still wouldn’t have made a difference yesterday, if the country does not have internet!

      Liked by 1 person

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