Tag Archives: ornament

Galaxy 1

Glass Horse

Glass Horse

Gallopy Gallopy Gallopy!

I was exceptionally lucky at the very beginning of this year to get a new cell phone; my first Smartphone; a Samsung Galaxy J3.

Although my previous phones could access the internet, they did not have WhatsApp or Skype – or any of the vast array of emoticons I now find at my disposal! (Yet, still no hamster?)

I love love love my new phone!

I can chat to my family in the UK, without it costing me anything, as long as I am connected.

And of course, I tried the camera out in the first few minutes.

The photo above of a glass horse ornament was my fourth photo. I played around with the settings and chose sepia.

I really like the effect, so decided to do a short series of ‘Galaxy photos’, like I did ‘Nikon photos’ way back when I got my Nikon camera. (Nikonography.)

Obviously my new phone camera does not have the quality of my Nikon camera, but it fits in my handbag and is fun to use.

I find a lot of my photos are blurred, because I do not keep my hand still and also I am not allowing the camera time to focus –  sooooo used to my trusty point-and-click Canon!!

But as the whole purpose of my blog is to learn new things and have fun, here’s the new series anyway!

I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I shall!